Friday, September 18, 2009

Keep Calm and Carry On

I ran into BOB again on campus. That brightened my day.

Spreading kindness is infectious. It doesn't require much more effort than being down and negative.
Why haven't I tried it before.
To be honest though, I'm worried about this not being a permanent change. I want it to be. Mostly, I'm worried about negativity overwhelming me.
However, I have a plan to combat that:

Stop thinking about it. Worry about getting through this day. If something gets me down, that's today's problem. Not tomorrow's.

There's so much goodness inside of me, inside all of us.
There's darkness too. But it's a decision. You choose how it affects your life. For too long I allowed myself to wallow in darkness.
I hurt people. Purposefully and otherwise. I have a lot to make up for. Which, I believe, is the true essence of Karma. I'm not obligated by the universe to repay my debt. But I want to. I am freely choosing to make up for my mistakes.

I don't know if there's life after death. And I'm okay with not knowing. If there is great. If not, this is will the best life I can live.


Acts of Kindness
13. Bought BOB a hotdog.
14. Complimented someone's hoodie
15. Complimented how the color of someone's eyes look
16. Complimented a girl's earrings.
17. Held the door for 2 people at the gas station.
18. Gave a few extra games to Ryan
19. Let JP borrow Left 4 Dead until November
20 Rescued a baby squirrel (I feel guilty for possibly killing her mother.)

Acts of Kindness Done for Me
Mom bought me lunch

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